The Little Foxes that spoil the vines..

14 My dove is hiding behind the rocks, behind an outcrop on the cliff.28815331_43544681
Let me see your face;let me hear your voice.
For your voice is pleasant,and your face is lovely.

15 Catch all the foxes,those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming!

I know that we are indeed God’s  special treasures and many times the Word refers to us, the church as the bride. While reading this morning I was led to this passage of scripture which tells me just that.

While from a human, fleshly,lol biker point of view that always seems odd or uncomfortable to me. Gods Love is not completely understood by us and goes way beyond gender and my understanding of love. The first part of the passage says ” My dove is hiding behind the rocks,
behind an outcrop on the cliff.”   When reading this it made me think of Psalm 91 “1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 1152429_rock_texture

I believe the next verses show us Gods heart and desire for our companionship as Solomon says  “show me your face,
let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.

The Spirit of the Living God continues to lead us to trust Him, turn to him and spend time with him. He is asking his church to show me your face I like seeing it. Let me hear your voice it is pleasant to me, continuing to lead us to spend that time with him. I believe that when we do, that is when we dwell in the secret place of the most high and experience the benefits that Psalm 91 promises…

Now to the foxes… the foxes are indeed the sin in our lives. The grapevine is the example of our lives and the church , remember Jesus example of John 15, jesus is the true vine and we are the branches..

I believe it is the small foxes, the pet sins, the things we so easily rationalize and look past while looking at others..394665_73853230

This scripture has encouraged me to allow the Holy Spirit to do his work through me, cleansing me of the sins I have been allowing and treating as a pet fox! I know the Bible says to run from, put behind and count as dead the former works and sin in our lives. The Holy Spirit has reminded me yet again that he loves me, wants to hear from me more, wants to bless me and has swept clean again the little foxes in my life…

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you my friend?

6 Responses to “The Little Foxes that spoil the vines..”

  1. WOW…powerful stuff, my friend.
    True, those little foxes can pleague us. And, true, through our “relationship” and time spent with our Father, we learn. Also, through the people he uses as vehicles, like you, we learn.
    You are one of the most beautiful people I have met. He has done good work through you and in you. Thank you!! Thank Our Heavenly Father! Amen

  2. Thanks Judy, you are a great encouragement! Love ya Sis!

  3. Tim Appel Says:

    Hey Rags,

    Thank God for what he is doing through you, my brother!!!

    I’d love to see some more of your web ministry. Could you send me some links to any other sites that you have up.

    In Christ,

    Tim appel

  4. Cool site Rags. Hard not to nurture the foxes…

  5. Young foxes are digging out my newly planted plants, as they dig little holes in the soft ground (I’m in Scotland). This dries out the roots and kills or stunts the plants. They also jump on the plants and break bits off them. They do this at night when they cannot be seen. We have sins like that. These sins (little foxes) limit our growth and fruitfulness, all because we think them relatively insignificant even though we know they really shouldn’t be tolerated. So our laxity permits them to do their wicked work. We need to get involved in a little ‘hunting’ instead of tolerating the blighters, because sins have a habit of growing or multiplying, just like little foxes. Otherwise our vines (our witness and fruitfulness in our lives) will just be a mess.

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